Advanced Programming in C
Advanced Data Representation
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Exploring Data Representation
Self Assessment Questions
6.2 Abstract Data Types
6.3 Stack as an Abstract Data Type
6.3.1 Array Implementation of a Stack
6.3.2 Implementation of a Stack Using Linked Representation
6.3.3 Applications of Stacks
Self Assessment Questions
6.4 Queue as an Abstract Data Type
6.4.1 Array Implementation of a Queue
6.4.2 Implementation of a Queue Using Linked List Representation
6.4.3 Circular Queues
6.4.4 Applications of Queues
Self Assessment Questions
6.5 Summary
6.6 Terminal Questions
6.7 Answers to Self Assessment Questions
6.8 Answers to Terminal Questions
6.9 Exercises
6.0 Introduction
Learning a computer language is like learning music, carpentry, or
engineering. At first, you work with the tools of the trade, playing scales,
learning which end of the hammer to hold and which end to avoid, solving
countless problems involving falling, sliding, and balanced objects. Acquiring
and practicing skills is what you've been doing so far in this book, learning to
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create variables, structures, functions, and the like. Eventually, however,
you move to a higher level in which using the tools is second nature and the
real challenge is designing and creating a project. You develop an ability to
see the project as a coherent whole. This chapter concentrates on that
higher level. You may find the material covered here a little more
challenging than the preceding chapters, but you may also find it more
rewarding as it helps you move from the role of apprentice to the role of
We'll start by examining a vital aspect of program design: the way a program
represents data. Often the most important aspect of program development
is finding a good representation of the data manipulated by that program.
Getting data representation right can make writing the rest of the program
simple. By now you've seen C's builtin
data types: simple variables, arrays,
pointers, structures, and unions.
Finding the right data representation, however, often goes beyond simply
selecting a type. You should also think about what operations will be
necessary. That is, you should decide how to store the data, and you should
define what operations are valid for the data type. For example, C
implementations typically store both the C int type and the C pointer type as
integers, but the two types have different sets of valid operations. You can
multiply one integer by another, for example, but you can't multiply a pointer
by a pointer. You can use the * operator to dereference a pointer, but that
operation is meaningless for an integer. The C language defines the valid
operations for its fundamental types. However, when you design a scheme
to represent data, you might need to define the valid operations yourself. In
C, you can do so by designing C functions to represent the desired
operations. In short, then, designing a data type consists of deciding on how
to store the data and of designing a set of functions to manage the data.
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You will also look at some algorithms, recipes for manipulating data. As a
programmer, you will acquire a repertoire of such recipes that you apply
over and over again to similar problems.
This chapter looks into the process of designing data types, a process that
matches algorithms to data representations. In it, you'll meet some common
data forms, such as the stacks and queues.
You'll also be introduced to the concept of the abstract data type (ADT). An
ADT packages methods and data representations in a way that is problemoriented
rather than languageoriented.
After you've designed an ADT, you
can easily reuse it in different circumstances. Understanding ADTs prepares
you conceptually for entering the world of objectoriented
(OOP) and the C++ language.
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
· Use C to represent a variety of data types
· Understand new algorithms and increasing your ability to develop
programs conceptually
· Abstract data types (ADTs)
· Understand and implement two Abstract Data TypesStacks
· Know applications of Stacks and Queues
6.1 Exploring Data Representation
Let's begin by thinking about data. Suppose you had to create an address
book program. What data form would you use to store information? Because
there's a variety of information associated with each entry, it makes sense to
represent each entry with a structure. How do you represent several
entries? With a standard array of structures? With a dynamic array? With
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some other form? Should the entries be alphabetized? Should you be able
to search through the entries by zip code? by area code? The actions you
want to perform might affect how you decide to store the information. In
short, you have a lot of design decisions to make before plunging into
How would you represent a bitmapped graphics image that you want to
store in memory? A bitmapped image is one in which each pixel on the
screen is set individually. In the days of blackandwhite
screens, you could
use one computer bit (1 or 0) to represent one pixel (on or off), hence the
name bitmapped. With color monitors, it takes more than one bit to describe
a single pixel. For example, you can get 256 colors if you dedicate 8 bits to
each pixel. Now the industry has moved to 65,536 colors (16 bits per pixel),
16,777,216 colors (24 bits per pixel), 2,147,483,648 colors (32 bits per pixel),
and even beyond. If you have 16 million colors and if your monitor has a
resolution of 1024x768, you'll need 18.9 million bits (2.25 MB) to represent a
single screen of bitmapped graphics. Is this the way to go, or can you
develop a way of compressing the information? Should this compression be
lossless (no data lost) or lossy (relatively unimportant data lost)? Again, you
have a lot of design decisions to make before diving into coding.
Let's tackle a particular case of representing data. Suppose you want to
write a program that enables you to enter a list of all the movies (including
videotapes) you've seen in a year. For each movie, you'd like to record a
variety of information, such as the title, the year it was released, the director,
the lead actors, the length, the kind of film (comedy, science fiction,
romance, drivel, and so forth), your evaluation, and so on. That suggests
using a structure for each film and an array of structures for the list. To
simplify matters, let's limit the structure to two members: the film title and
your evaluation, a ranking on a 0 to 10 scale. Program 6.1 shows a barebones
implementation using this approach.
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Program 6.1 The films1.c Program
/* films1.c using
an array of structures */
#include <stdio.h>
#define TSIZE 45 /* size of array to hold title */
#define FMAX 5 /* maximum number of film titles */
struct film {
char title[TSIZE];
int rating;
} ;
int main(void)
struct film movies[FMAX];
int i = 0;
int j;
puts("Enter first movie title:");
while (i < FMAX && gets(movies[i].title) != NULL &&
movies[i].title[0] != '\0')
puts("Enter your rating <010>:")
scanf("%d", &movies[i++].rating);
while(getchar() != '\n')
puts("Enter next movie title (empty line to stop):");
if (i == 0)
printf("No data entered. ");
printf ("Here is the movie list:\n");
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for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
printf("Movie: %s Rating: %d\n", movies[j].title,
return 0;
The program creates an array of structures and then fills the array with data
entered by the user. Entry continues until the array is full (the FMAX test),
until end of file (the NULL test) is reached, or until the user presses the
Enter key at the beginning of a line (the '\0' test).
This formulation has some problems. First, the program will most likely
waste a lot of space because most movies don't have titles 40 characters
long, but some movies do have long titles. Second, many people will find the
limit of five movies a year too restrictive. Of course, you can increase that
limit, but what would be a good value? Some people see 500 movies a year,
so you could increase FMAX to 500, but that still might be too small for
some, yet it might waste enormous amounts of memory for others. Also,
some compilers set a default limit for the amount of memory available for
automatic storage class variables such as movies, and such a large array
could exceed that value. You can fix that by making the array a static or
external array or by instructing the compiler to use a larger stack, but that's
not fixing the real problem.
The real problem here is that the data representation is too inflexible. You
have to make decisions at compile time that are better made at runtime.
This suggests switching to a data representation that uses dynamic memory
allocation. You could try something like this:
#define TSIZE 45 /* size of array to hold title */
struct film {
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char title[TSIZE];
int rating;
} ;
int n, i;
struct film * movies; /* pointer to a structure */
printf("Enter the maximum number of movies you'll enter:\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
movies = (struct film *) malloc(n * sizeof(struct film));
Here, you can use the pointer movies just as though it were an array name:
while (i < FMAX && gets(movies[i].title) != NULL &&
movies[i].title[0] != '\0')
By using malloc(),you can postpone determining the number of elements
until the program runs, so the program need not allocate 500 elements if
only 20 are needed. However, it puts the burden on the user to supply a
correct value for the number of entries.
Self Assessment Questions
i. What is a bitmapped image?
ii. What is the best solution to allocate memory locations for the objects
when the actual number of locations is not known in advance?
6.2 Abstract Data Types
An Abstract Data Type(ADT) is a data type that is organized in such a way
that the specification of the objects and the specification of the operations
on the objects is separated from the representation of the objects and
implementation of the operations.
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Some programming languages provide explicit mechanisms to support the
distinction between specification and implementation. Although C does not
have an explicit mechanism for implementing ADTs, it is still possible and
desirable to design your data types using the same notion.
How does the specification of the operations of an ADT differ from the
implementation of the operations? The specification consists of the names
of every function, the type of its arguments, and the type of its result. There
should also be a description of what the function does, but without appealing
to internal representation or implementation details. This requirement is
quite important, and it implies that an abstract data type is implementation
independent. Furthermore, it is possible to classify the functions of a data
type into several categories:
1) Creator/constructor: These functions create a new instance of the
designated type.
2) Transformers: These functions also create an instance of the
designated type, generally by using one or more other instances.
3) Observers/reporters: These functions provide information about an
instance of the type, but they do not change the instance.
Typically, an ADT definition will include at least one function from each of
these three categories.
6.3 Stack as an Abstract Data Type
A stack is simply a list of elements with insertions and deletions permitted at
one end – called the stack top. That means that it is possible to remove
elements from a stack in reverse order from the insertion of elements into
the stack. Thus, a stack data structure exhibits the LIFO (last in first out)
property. Push and pop are the operations that are provided for insertion of
an element into the stack and the removal of an element from the stack,
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Empty stack Push( A) Push(B) Pop() Push(C) Pop()
Indicates stack top position
respectively. Shown in Figure 6.1 are the effects of push and pop operations
on the stack.
Figure 6.1: Stack operations
Since a stack is basically a list, it can be implemented by using an array or
by using a linked representation.
6.3.1 Array Implementation of a Stack
When an array is used to implement a stack, the push and pop operations
are realized by using the operations available on an array. The limitation of
an array implementation is that the stack cannot grow and shrink
dynamically as per the requirement.
Program 6.2
A complete C program to implement a stack using an array appears
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the stack */
#include <stdlib.h>
void push(int stack[], int *top, int value)
if(*top < MAX )
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*top = *top + 1;
stack[*top] = value;
printf("The stack is full can not push a value\n");
void pop(int stack[], int *top, int * value)
if(*top >= 0 )
*value = stack[*top];
*top = *top 1;
printf("The stack is empty can not pop a value\n");
void main()
int stack[MAX];
int top = 1;
int n,value;
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printf("Enter the element to be pushed\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value popped is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
6.3.2 Implementation of a Stack Using Linked Representation
Initially the list is empty, so the top pointer is NULL. The push function takes
a pointer to an existing list as the first parameter and a data value to be
pushed as the second parameter, creates a new node by using the data
value, and adds it to the top of the existing list. A pop function takes a
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pointer to an existing list as the first parameter, and a pointer to a data
object in which the popped value is to be returned as a second parameter.
Thus it retrieves the value of the node pointed to by the top pointer, takes
the top point to the next node, and destroys the node that was pointed to by
the top.
If this strategy is used for creating a stack with the four data values: 10, 20,
30, and 40, then the stack is created as shown in Figure 6.2. Initially
Figure 6.2: Linked Stack
Program 6.3
A complete C program for implementation of a stack using the linked
list is given here:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
20 10
30 20 10
40 30 20 10
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struct node *link;
struct node *push(struct node *p, int value)
struct node *temp;
temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
/* creates new node
using data value
passed as parameter */
printf("No Memory available Error\n");
data = value;
link = p;
p = temp;
struct node *pop(struct node *p, int *value)
struct node *temp;
printf(" The stack is empty can not pop Error\n");
*value = p>
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temp = p;
p = p>
void main()
struct node *top = NULL;
int n,value;
printf("Enter the element to be pushed\n");
top = push(top,value);
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
while( n == 1)
top = pop(top,&value);
printf("The value popped is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to pop an element\n");
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printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
6.3.3 Applications of Stacks
One of the applications of the stack is in expression evaluation. A complex
assignment statement such as a = b + c*d/e–f may be interpreted in many
different ways. Therefore, to give a unique meaning, the precedence and
associativity rules are used. But still it is difficult to evaluate an expression
by computer in its present form, called the infix notation. In infix notation, the
binary operator comes in between the operands. A unary operator comes
before the operand. To get it evaluated, it is first converted to the postfix
form, where the operator comes after the operands. For example, the postfix
form for the expression a*(b–c)/d is abc–*d/. A good thing about postfix
expressions is that they do not require any precedence rules or parentheses
for unique definition. So, evaluation of a postfix expression is possible using
a stackbased
Program 6.4
Program to convert an infix expression to prefix form:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define N 80
typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} bool;
#include "stack.h"
#include "queue.h"
#define NOPS 7
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char operators [] = "()^/*+"
int priorities[] = {4,4,3,2,2,1,1};
char associates[] = " RLLLL";
char t[N]; char *tptr = t; // this is where prefix will be saved.
int getIndex( char op ) {
* returns index of op in operators.
int i;
for( i=0; i<NOPS; ++i )
if( operators[i] == op )
return i;
return 1;
int getPriority( char op ) {
* returns priority of op.
return priorities[ getIndex(op) ];
char getAssociativity( char op ) {
* returns associativity of op.
return associates[ getIndex(op) ];
void processOp( char op, queue *q, stack *s ) {
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* performs processing of op.
switch(op) {
case ')':
printf( "\t S pushing )...\n" );
sPush( s, op );
case '(':
while( !qEmpty(q) ) {
*tptr++ = qPop(q);
printf( "\tQ popping %c...\n", *(tptr1)
while( !sEmpty(s) ) {
char popop = sPop(s);
printf( "\tS popping %c...\n", popop );
if( popop == ')' )
*tptr++ = popop;
default: {
int priop; // priority of op.
char topop; // operator on stack top.
int pritop; // priority of topop.
char asstop; // associativity of topop.
while( !sEmpty(s) ) {
priop = getPriority(op);
topop = sTop(s);
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pritop = getPriority(topop);
asstop = getAssociativity(topop);
if( (pritop < priop) || (pritop == priop && asstop == 'L') || (topop == ')' )))// IMP.
while( !qEmpty(q) ) {
*tptr++ = qPop(q);
printf( "\tQ popping %c...\n", *(tptr1)
*tptr++ = sPop(s);
printf( "\tS popping %c...\n", *(tptr1)
printf( "\tS pushing %c...\n", op );
sPush( s, op );
bool isop( char op ) {
/* is op an operator? */
return (getIndex(op) != 1)
char *in2pre( char *str ) { /* returns valid infix expr in str to prefix. */
char *sptr;
queue q = {NULL};
stack s = NULL;
char *res = (char *)malloc( N*sizeof(char) );
char *resptr = res;
tptr = t;
for( sptr=str+strlen(str)1;
) {
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printf( "processing %c tptrt=%
d...\n", *sptr, tptrt
if( isalpha(*sptr) ) // if operand.
qPush( &q, *sptr );
else if( isop(*sptr) ) // if valid operator.
processOp( *sptr, &q, &s );
else if( isspace(*sptr) ) // if whitespace.
else {
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR:invalid char %c.\n", *sptr );
return "";
while( !qEmpty(&q) ) {
*tptr++ = qPop(&q);
printf( "\tQ popping %c...\n", *(tptr1)
while( !sEmpty(&s) ) {
*tptr++ = sPop(&s);
printf( "\tS popping %c...\n", *(tptr1)
*tptr = 0;
printf( "t=%s.\n", t );
for( tptr;
) {
*resptr++ = *tptr;
*resptr = 0;
return res;
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int main() {
char s[N];
puts( "enter infix freespaces max 80." );
while(*s) {
puts( in2pre(s) );
return 0;
1. In an infix expression, a binary operator separates its operands (a unary
operator precedes its operand). In a postfix expression, the operands of
an operator precede the operator. In a prefix expression, the operator
precedes its operands. Like postfix, a prefix expression is parenthesisfree,
that is, any infix expression can be unambiguously written in its
prefix equivalent without the need for parentheses.
2. To convert an infix expression to reverseprefix,
it is scanned from right
to left. A queue of operands is maintained noting that the order of
operands in infix and prefix remains the same. Thus, while scanning the
infix expression, whenever an operand is encountered, it is pushed in a
queue. If the scanned element is a right parenthesis (‘)’), it is pushed in a
stack of operators. If the scanned element is a left parenthesis (‘(‘), the
queue of operands is emptied to the prefix output, followed by the
popping of all the operators up to, but excluding, a right parenthesis in
the operator stack.
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3. If the scanned element is an arbitrary operator o, then the stack of
operators is checked for operators with a greater priority than o. Such
operators are popped and written to the prefix output after emptying the
operand queue. The operator o is finally pushed to the stack.
4. When the scanning of the infix expression is complete, first the operand
queue, and then the operator stack, are emptied to the prefix output.
Any whitespace in the infix input is ignored. Thus the prefix output can
be reversed to get the required prefix expression of the infix input.
If the infix expression is a*b + c/d, then different snapshots of the algorithm,
while scanning the expression from right to left, are shown in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1: Scanning the infex expression a*b+c/d from right to left
0 a*b+c/d nil empty empty nil
1 a*b+c/ D d empty nil
2 a*b+c / d / nil
3 a*b+ C d c / nil
4 a*b + empty + dc/
5 a* B b + dc/
6 A * b * + dc/
7 Nil A b a * + dc/
8 Nil nil empty empty dc/ba*+
The final prefix output that we get is dc/ba*+ whose reverse is +*ab/cd,
which is the prefix equivalent of the input infix expression a*b+c*d. Note that
all the operands are simply pushed to the queue in steps 1, 3, 5, and 7. In
step 2, the operator / is pushed to the empty stack of operators.
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In step 4, the operator + is checked against the elements in the stack. Since
/ (division) has higher priority than + (addition), the queue is emptied to the
prefix output (thus we get ‘dc’ as the output) and then the operator / is
written (thus we get ‘dc/’ as the output). The operator + is then pushed to
the stack. In step 6, the operator * is checked against the stack elements.
Since * (multiplication) has a higher priority than + (addition), * is pushed to
the stack. Step 8 signifies that all of the infix expression is scanned. Thus,
the queue of operands is emptied to the prefix output (to get ‘dc/ba’),
followed by the emptying of the stack of operators (to get ‘dc/ba*+’).
Points to remember
1. A prefix expression is parenthesisfree.
2. To convert an infix expression to the prefix equivalent, it is scanned from
right to left. The prefix expression we get is the reverse of the required
prefix equivalent.
3. Conversion of infix to prefix requires a queue of operands and a stack,
as in the conversion of an infix to postfix.
4. The order of operands in a prefix expression is the same as that in its
infix equivalent.
5. If the scanned operator o1 and the operator o2 at the stack top have the
same priority, then the associativity of o2 is checked. If o2 is rightassociative,
it is popped from the stack.
Self Assessment Questions
i. Stack is also called _______ data structure
ii. What is the drawback if you implement a stack using an array?
iii. What is the use of postfix expression?
6.4 Queue as an Abstract Data Type
A queue is also a list of elements with insertions permitted at one end—
called the rear, and deletions permitted from the other end—called the front.
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This means that the removal of elements from a queue is possible in the
same order in which the insertion of elements is made into the queue. Thus,
a queue data structure exhibits the FIFO (first in first out) property. insert
and delete are the operations that are provided for insertion of elements into
the queue and the removal of elements from the queue, respectively. Shown
in Figure 6.3 are the effects of insert and delete operations on the queue.
Initially both front and rear are initialized to 1.
6.4.1 Array Implementation of a Queue
When an array is used to implement a queue, then the insert and delete
operations are realized using the operations available on an array. The
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limitation of an array implementation is that the queue cannot grow and
shrink dynamically as per the requirement.
Program 6.5
A complete C program to implement a queue by using an array is
shown here:
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the queue */
#include <stdlib.h>
void insert(int queue[], int *rear, int value)
if(*rear < MAX1)
*rear= *rear +1;
queue[*rear] = value;
printf("The queue is full can not insert a value\n");
void delete(int queue[], int *front, int rear, int * value)
if(*front == rear)
printf("The queue is empty can not delete a value\n");
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*front = *front + 1;
*value = queue[*front];
void main()
int queue[MAX];
int front,rear;
int n,value;
printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
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printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
6.4.2 Implementation of a Queue using Linked List Representation
Initially, the list is empty, so both the front and rear pointers are NULL. The
insert function creates a new node, puts the new data value in it, appends it
to an existing list, and makes the rear pointer point to it. A delete function
checks whether the queue is empty, and if not, retrieves the data value of
the node pointed to by the front, advances the front, and frees the storage of
the node whose data value has been retrieved.
If the above strategy is used for creating a queue with four data values —10,
20, 30, and 40, the queue gets created as shown in Figure 6.4.
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Program 6.6
A complete C program for implementation of a queue using the linked
list is shown here:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *link;
void insert(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int value)
struct node *temp;
temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
/* creates new node using data value passed as parameter */
printf("No Memory available Error\n");
data = value;
if(*rear == NULL)
*rear = temp;
*front = *rear;
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link = temp;
*rear = temp;
void delete(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int *value)
struct node *temp;
if((*front == *rear) && (*rear == NULL))
printf(" The queue is empty cannot delete Error\n");
*value = (*front)>
temp = *front;
*front = (*front)>
if(*rear == temp)
*rear = (*rear)>
void main()
struct node *front=NULL,*rear = NULL;
int n,value;
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printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
6.4.3 Circular Queues
The problem with the previous implementation is that the insert function
gives a queuefull
signal even if a considerable portion is free. This happens
because the queue has a tendency to move to the right unless the ‘front’
catches up with the ‘rear’ and both are reset to 0 again (in the delete
procedure). To overcome this problem, the elements of the array are
required to shift one position left whenever a deletion is made. But this will
make the deletion process inefficient. Therefore, an efficient way of
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overcoming this problem is to consider the array to be circular, as shown in
Figure 6.5. Initially both front and rear are intitialized to 0.
Program 6.7
A complete C program for implementation of a circular queue is shown
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10 /* The maximum size of the queue */
#include <stdlib.h>
void insert(int queue[], int *rear, int front, int value)
*rear= (*rear +1) % MAX;
if(*rear == front)
printf("The queue is full can not insert a value\n");
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queue[*rear] = value;
void delete(int queue[], int *front, int rear, int * value)
if(*front == rear)
printf("The queue is empty can not delete a value\n");
*front = (*front + 1) % MAX;
*value = queue[*front];
void main()
int queue[MAX];
int front,rear;
int n,value;
front=0; rear=0;
printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
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} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value deleted is %d\n",value);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
6.4.4 Applications of Queues
One application of the queue data structure is in the implementation of
priority queues required to be maintained by the scheduler of an operating
system. It is a queue in which each element has a priority value and the
elements are required to be inserted in the queue in decreasing order of
priority. This requires a change in the function that is used for insertion of an
element into the queue. No change is required in the delete function.
Program 6.8
A complete C program implementing a priority queue is shown here:
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
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int data;
int priority;
struct node *link;
void insert(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int value, int priority)
struct node *temp,*temp1;
temp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
/* creates new node using data valuepassed as parameter */
printf("No Memory available Error\n");
data = value;
priority = priority;
if(*rear == NULL) /* This is the first node */
*rear = temp;
*front = *rear;
priority < priority)
/* the element to be inserted has highest priority hence should
be the first element*/
link = *front;
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*front = temp;
if( (*rear)>
priority > priority)
/* the element to be inserted has lowest priority hence should
be the last element*/
link = temp;
*rear = temp;
temp1 = *front;
priority >= priority)
/* find the position and insert the new element */
link = temp1>
link = temp;
void delete(struct node **front, struct node **rear, int *value, int *priority)
struct node *temp;
if((*front == *rear) && (*rear == NULL))
printf(" The queue is empty cannot delete Error\n");
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*value = (*front)>
*priority = (*front)>
temp = *front;
*front = (*front)>
if(*rear == temp)
*rear = (*rear)>
void main()
struct node *front=NULL,*rear = NULL;
int n,value, priority;
printf("Enter the element to be inserted and its priority\n");
scanf("%d %d",&value,&priority);
printf("Enter 1 to continue\n");
} while(n == 1);
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
while( n == 1)
printf("The value deleted is %d\ and its priority is %d \n",value,priority);
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printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
printf("Enter 1 to delete an element\n");
} while( n == 1)
Self Assessment Questions
i. Queue is also called a __________ data structure.
ii. State true or false
In a linked implementation of a queue, the newly added element is the
front element.
iii. State an application of a queue.
6.5 Summary
The most important aspect of program development is finding a good
representation of the data manipulated by that program. The stack and the
queue are examples of ADTs commonly used in computer programming. A
stack is basically a list with insertions and deletions permitted from only one
end, called the stacktop,
so it is a data structure that exhibits the LIFO
property. One of the important applications of a stack is in the
implementation of recursion in the programming language. A queue is also a
list with insertions permitted from one end, called rear, and deletions
permitted from the other end, called front. So it is a data structure that
exhibits the FIFO property. When the size of the stack/queue is known
beforehand, the array implementation can be used and is more efficient.
When the size of the stack/queue is not known beforehand, then the linked
representation is used. It provides more flexibility. A circular queue is a
queue in which the element next to the last element is the first element.
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6.6 Terminal Questions
1. Convert the following infix expression into postfix:
2. Convert the following infix expression into prefix
3. Write an expression to point the front pointer in a circular queue to the
next position?
4. State true or false:
Stack is used in recursive programs.
5. The runtime memory allocation is also called _____
6.7 Answers to Self Assessment Questions
6.1 i. A bitmapped image is one in which each pixel on the screen is set
ii. Using Dynamic Memory Allocation
6.3 i. LIFO
ii. Stack cannot grow
iii. Evaluation of Expressions
6.4 i. FIFO
ii. False
iii. In the implementation of priority queues required to be maintained
by the scheduler of an operating system.
6.8 Answers to Terminal Questions
1. ab/cde*+
3. *front = (*front + 1) % MAX;
4. True
5. Dynamic Memory Allocation.
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6.9 Exercises
1. Write a C program to implement a stack of characters.
2. Write a C program to implement a doubleended
queue, which is a
queue in which insertions and deletions may be performed at either
end. Use a linked representation.
3. Write a program to reverse a linked list.
4. Write a program to delete a node from a linked list.
5. Write a program to insert a node into after the given node in a linked
6. What is meant by postfix expression? Write a program to convert an
infix expression into a postfix expression.
7. Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression.
8. Write a function to check whether a stack is full.
9. Write a function to check whether a queue is empty.
10. Why stack and queues are called Abstract Data Types? Explain.
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