Friday, 16 November 2012


Model Question Paper

Subject Name: OOPs using C++

Credits: 4 Marks: 140
Part A (One mark questions)
1. _______________ is an OOP Language.
A. Basic
B. Fortan
C. C++
D. Cobol
2. ---------------- allows you to create a derived class that inherits properties from more than one
base class.
A) Multilevel inheritance
B) Multiple inheritance
C)Hybrid Inheritance
D) Hierarchical Inheritance
3. _______________ feature in OOP allows to reuse code

A) Polymorphism
B) Inheritance
C) Encapsulation
D) Data hiding
4. A class that declares or inherits a virtual function is called -------------------
A) Encapsulation class
B)inherited class
C) polymorphic class
D) static class
5. C++ header file that handles input output functions is ____________
A) iostream.h
B) iomanip.h
C) string.h
D) fstream.h
6. -------------- are bound dynamically at run time.
A) static class
B) virtual function
C) friend function
D) inline function
7. ---------- pointers are not modifiable.

A) that
B) this
C) Indirection
D) Address
8. ---------------- classes are used in cases where one class is tightly coupled to another
A) Abstract
B) friend
C) static
D) virtual
9. The extension of C++ source file is _______________
A) .txt
B) .doc
C) .c
D) .cpp
10. The ------------------ keyword/s do not apply to friend functions, as the class has no control
over the scope of friends.
A) public
B) protected
C) private
D) both A) and B)
11. The extension of C++ object code is __________________

A) .obj
B) .cpp
C) .ppt
D) .xls
12. --------------- do not break encapsulation, but rather enhance a class interface.
A) Static functions
B)Friend functions
C) Dynamic functions
D) none of these
13. The function-------------- will return the last read character and will move the inside pointer,
one with -1 char.
A) putback()
B) flush()
C) peek()
D) getline()
14. -------------- is an identifier that can be inserted into an output stream or extracted from
an input stream in order to produce a desired effect.
B) Manipulator

C) this
D) Flag
15. The error occuring due to missing semicolon is __________________
A) Syntax
B) Logical
C) Linker
D) Runtime
16. Identify the modulators from the following list.
i. endl ii. hex iii. auto iv. Default
A) i only
B) ii only
C) both i and ii
D) all of these
17. Which of these manipulator is used to insert null character in a string.
A) endl
B) ends
C) unitbuf
D) setfill
18. Which of these file open mode you use to delete all previous content in the file.

A) ios :: ate
B) ios ::in
C) ios:: app
D) ios::trunc
19. A class generated from a class template is called --------------------
A) Inherited class
B) generated class.
C) derived class
D) base class
20. The size of an int variable in C++ is _____________bytes
A) 4.
B) 2
C) 1
D) 8
21. -------------- is very useful when templates of template come into usage.
A) friend function
B) static function

C) typedef
D) inheritance
22. Which of these c++ feature allow you to create classes that are dynamic in terms of the
types of data they can handle.
A) Inheritance
B) Templates
C) Polymorphism
D) information hiding
23. Create the required classes by plugging in the actual type for the type parameters, this
process is commonly known as ------------------------
A) Instantiating a class.
B) encapsulation of class
C) booting of class
D) none of these
24. What are the two basic models in the exception handling theory.
A) caught and uncaught
B) termination and resumption
C) try and block

D) none of these
25. Which of these is/are the exception classes derived from logic_error
i) domain_error ii) out_of_range iii) bad_cast iv) bad_alloc
A) i),ii),iii) only
B) iv) only
C) i) and iv) only
D) iii) only
26. Each catch clause (exception handler) is like a little function that takes a ----------------
argument/s of one particular type.
A) many
B) two
C) single
D) either A) or B)
27. The size of an double variable in C++ is ________________ bytes
A) 10
B) 2
C) 4

D) 8
28. The exception specification is like a----------------, It tells the user to write exception
handling code and what exceptions to handle.
A) library file
B) function prototype
C) header file
D) built-in function
29. Which of these exception reports a failure to allocate storage.
A) bad_cast
B) bad_typeid
C) length_error
D) none of these
30. Stack is an example for ---------------- structure.

31. The standard sequence containers include --------------
i) vector ii) deque iii)list iv) stack
A) i) and ii) only
B) i),ii) and iii)
C) iii) and iv) only
D) i),ii),iii) and iv)
32. STL stands for --------------
A) standard template library
B) standard template link
C) stack template link
D) single temporary list
33. Iterators which can move freely any number of steps in one operation are called -------------
A) input iterators
B) forward iterators
C) random access iterators
D) output iterators

34. There are ------------- types of sequence containers in the STL.
A) two
B) four
C) eight
D) three
35. To destroy element at the end of vector which of these vector access function
is used.
B) push_back()
C) insert()
D) destroy()
36. --------------- diagram shows the change of an object through time.
A) Activity
B) State
D)Use case
37. Which of these link is used to avoid repetition of scenarios in multiple use cases.
A) Include
B) Generalization
C) Extends

D) None of these
38. Models in UML consist of ---------------- that interact by sending each other, messages.
A) Actor
B) objects
C) use case
D) none of these
39. Which one of the following symbols is used for indicating comments?
A) >>
B) <<
C) //
40. Use case diagrams are helpful in which of these areas.
A) determining failure
B) communicating with clients
C) generating test cases
D) all of these

Part B (Two mark questions)
41. ------------------- is a master function required in all C++ program and execution begins from
the first statement of this function.
A) Virtual function
B) main()
C) inline()
D) getch()
42. ----------------- is the ability of objects belonging to different types to respond to method calls
of methods of the same name, each one according to an appropriate type-specific behavior.
A) Inheritance
B) Virtuality
C) polymorphism
D) None of these.
43. State true or false
1. Inheritance is implemented in C++ through the mechanism of derivation.
2. Multiple inheritance allows you to create a derived class that inherits properties from
more than one base class.
A) true, true
B) true, false
C) false , true
D) false , false

44. State true or false
1. Polymorphic functions are functions that cannot be applied to objects of more than one
2. Overloaded functions are statically bound at run time.
A) false, true
B) false, false
C) true , true
D) true, false
45. -------------- statement takes the control out of the loop.
A) break
B) const
C) continue
D) auto
46. The --------- and ------------------- keywords do not apply to friend functions, as the class has
no control over the scope of friends.
A) public, protected
B) Private, public
C) protected , private
D) private , protected
47. -------------- library function can be used to copy the contents of one string to another string.

A) strcp()
C) strcpy()
D) stringcopy()
48. The current reading position, which is the index of the next byte that will be read from
the file is called -----------------------.
A) set pointer
B) curr pointer
C) put pointer
D ) get pointer
49. Which of these function returns the ASCII code of the char, but not the char itself
A) peek()
B) asc()
C) tellg()
D) seekp()
50. To perform identical operations for each type of data compactly and conveniently, we use -
A)Inline function
B) function templates.
C) this pointer
D) friend function

51. A static data member generated from a static data member template is called ------------------
----------- static data member
A) inherited
B) base
C) generated
D) derived
52. State true or false
i. You can partially specialize class templates for certain types.
ii. You cannot overload function templates.
A) true, false
B) false, true
C) true, true
D) false, false
53. Default values for the arguments have to be specified during ----------------
A) Initialization
B) Declaration
C) instantiation
D) end of the program
54. Exceptions should not be used for---------------

A) asynchronous events
B) ordinary error condition
C ) flow of control
D) all of the above
55. State true or false
i. C++ provides syntax to allow you to politely tell the user what exceptions this
function throws, so the user may handle them.
ii. To use set_unexpected(), you must include the header file <exception>.
A) true , false
B) false, false
C) true, true
D) false, true
56. Which of this is standard associative containers ?
A) vector
B) set
C) deque
D) list
57. The advantage of passing by reference is-------------------------------
A) returning multiple value

B) modifying original values
C) Both A )and B)
D) Neither A) nor B)
58. The operator [] allows you to access a single character in a string, but without any
bounds checking , if you want bounds checking which of these function do you use .
A) at()
B) ioc()
C) st()
D) ooc()
59. Member functions of a class can be defined outside the class using ---------- operator
along with the class name.
A) **
B) &&
C) ::
D) ->
60. Sate true or false
i) Function enable to reuse code.
ii) In if else statement , at any point of time statements in both the if and else part may
be executed.
A) true ,false
B) true , true
C) false , false
D) false, true

Part C (Four mark questions)
61. Write the output of the following C++ code
# include<iostream.h>
void main()
{ int x=1;
switch (x)
case 0 : cout<<”zero”;
case 1: cout << “one”;
case 2: cout<<”two”;
A) zero
B) one
C) onetwo
D) syntax error
62. What is the output of the following program.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
char* name;

void display() {
cout << name << endl;
class Derived: public Base {
char* name;
void display() {
cout << name << ", " << Base::name << endl;
int main() {
Derived d; = "Derived Class";
d.Base::name = "Base Class";
Derived* dptr = &d;
// standard conversion from Derived* to Base*
Base* bptr = dptr;
// call Base::display()
A) syntax error
B) Base Class
C) Derived Class
D) name
63. Match the following

1. this pointer i) virtual
2. non static member function ii) not transitive
3. friend function iii) not modifiable
4. Friend class iv) tightly coupled
A) 1-ii,2-I,3-iv,4-iii
B) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii, 4-iv
C) 1-iv,2-iii,3-I,4-ii
D) 1-iii,2-iv,3-I,4-ii
64. State true or false
1. A static member function cannot be declared with the keywords virtual, const, volatile,
or const volatile.
2. A static member function can have access to the 'this' pointer of the class.
3. Friend classes are used in cases where one class is tightly coupled to another class.
4. Static data types can be accessed without instantiation of the class in C++.
A) true, true, false, false
B) true, true, true, false
C) true, false, true, true
D) false, true, true, true
65. match the following
1. godbit i) End of file has been reached
2. eofbit ii) Fatal I/O error
3. failbit iii) non-fatal I/O error

4. badbit iv) no errors
A) 1- ii 2-iii 3-iv 4-I
B) 1-iv 2- i 3-iii 4-ii
C) 1-iii, 2-i 3-iv 4-ii
D) 1- ii, 2- iv 3- iii 4-i
66. State true or false
i. When you are reading a file, if you want to ignore certain amount of characters use flush()
function .
ii. Manipulators are global functions designed to be used in conjunction with insertion (<<) and
extraction (>>) operators.
iii. The essential characteristic of stream processing is that data elements must be sent to or
received from a stream one at a time, i.e. in serial fashion.
iv. The Input/Output system in C++ holds information about the result of every I/O operation.
A) true, true, true, true
B) false, true, true, false
C) false, true, true, true
D) false, true, false, true
67. ------------------------ are very useful when implementing generic constructs like vectors,
stacks, lists, queues which can be used with any arbitrary type.
A) Templates
B) constructor

C ) destructor
D) status Flag
68. Find the output of the following program
# include <iostream.h>
class base
{ public:
virtual void show() // virtual function
class derv1:public base
{ public:
void show()
class derv2: public base
{ public:
void show()
void main()
derv1 dv1;

derv2 dv2;
base *ptr;
A) derv 1
B) derv2
D) syntax error
69. Which of these is/are true about exception specification
i) the exception specification is like function specification
ii) it tells the use to write exception handling code and what exception to handle.
iii) It tells the compiler the exception that may come out of this function.

A) i) only
B) i) and ii) only
C) i),ii) and iii)
D) i) and iii) only
70. State true or false
i. range_error is the exception class derived from logic_error Exception.
ii. bad_cast is the exception class derived from logic_error Exception.
iii. bad_alloc is the exception class derived from runtime_error Exception.
A) true, false, true
B) false, true, true
C) true, true, false
D) true, true, true
71. Match the following
1. Stack i) associative container
2. Queue ii) sequence container
3. Vector iii) LIFO
4. multimap iv) FIFO
A) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-iv, 4-I
B) 1-iii, 2-iv, 3-ii , 4- i
C) 1-iii, 2-iv , 3-i , 4-ii
D) 1-iv, 2-iii, 3-i, 4-ii

72. State true or false
i. STL algorithms are dependent of containers, which significantly reduces the
complexity of the library.
ii. Associative containers are not used to store objects that we want to be able to
retrieve using a key.
iii. Iterators are a generalized abstraction of pointers, designed to allow programmers to
access different container types in a consistent way.
A) false, false , true
B) true, false, false
C) true, true, false
D) true, true, true
73. Match the following
1. polymorphism i. can be overloaded
2. inheritance ii. Cannot be overloaded
3. constructor iii. Reuse of code
4. destructor iv. Same content different form
A) 1-ii 2-iii 3-iv 4-i
B) 1-iii 2-i 3-ii 4-iv
C) 1-iv 2-iii 3-i 4- ii
D) 1-iii 2-iv 3-i 4-ii
74. state true or false
a. The class diagrams describes the types of objects in the system and the static
relationship between them.

b. If the attribute is declared final its value can be changed.
c. The composition association is represented by the hollow diamond.
A) true ,true, false
B) true, false, false
C) false, false, false
D) false , true, true
75. State true or false
1. Static data need not be initialized.
2. Friend function can be declared anywhere within the class declaration.
3.The public and protected keywords do not apply to friend functions.
A) false, true , true
B) false, true, false
C) true, false , false
D) false, false, false

Answer Keys
Part - A Part - B Part - C
Q. No. Ans. Key Q. No. Ans. Key Q. No. Ans. Key Q. No. Ans. Key
1 C 21 C 41 B 61 C
2 B 22 B 42 C 62 B
3 B 23 A 43 A 63 B
4 C 24 B 44 B 64 C
5 A 25 A 45 A 65 B
6 B 26 C 46 A 66 C
7 B 27 D 47 C 67 A
8 B 28 B 48 D 68 A
9 D 29 D 49 A 69 C
10 D 30 A 50 B 70 B
11 A 31 B 51 C 71 B
12 B 32 A 52 A 72 A
13 A 33 C 53 B 73 C
14 B 34 D 54 D 74 B
15 A 35 A 55 C 75 A
16 D 36 B 56 B
17 B 37 A 57 C
18 D 38 B 58 A
19 B 39 C 59 C
20 B 40 D 60 A

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