Friday, 23 November 2012

Dynamic memory allocation and Linked list

Advanced Programming in C Unit 3

Unit 3 Dynamic memory allocation and
Linked list
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Dynamic memory allocation
3.1.1 Allocating Memory with malloc
3.1.2 Allocating Memory with calloc
3.1.3 Freeing Memory
3.1.4 Reallocating Memory Blocks
Self Assessment Questions
3.2 Pointer Safety
3.3 The Concept of linked list
3.3.1 Inserting a node by using Recursive Programs
3.3.2 Sorting and Reversing a Linked List
3.3.3 Deleting the Specified Node in a Singly Linked List
Self Assessment Questions
3.4 Summary
3.5 Terminal Questions
3.6 Answers to Self Assessment Questions
3.7 Answers for Terminal Questions
3.8 Exercises
3.1 Introduction
You can use an array when you want to process data of the same data type
and you know the size of the data. Sometimes you may want to process the
data but you don't know what the size of the data is. An example of this is
when you are reading from a file or keyboard and you want to process the
values. In such a case, an array is not useful because you don't know what
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the dimension of the array should be. C has the facility of dynamic memory
allocation. Using this, you can allocate the memory for your storage. The
allocation is done at runtime. When your work is over, you can deallocate
the memory. The allocation of memory is done using three functions: malloc,
calloc, and realloc. These functions return the pointers to void, so it can be
typecast to any data type, thus making the functions generic. These
functions take the input as the size of memory requirement.
At the end of this unit, you will be able to understand:
· The concept of dynamic memory allocation
· Dynamic memory allocation functionsmalloc,
calloc and realloc
· Use of dynamic memory allocation
· Concept of Linked lists
· Different operations on linked lists
3.1 Dynamic Memory Allocation
The process of allocating memory at run time is known as Dynamic Memory
Allocation. Although C does not inherently have this facility, there are four
library routines known as “Memory Management Functions” that can be
used for allocating and freeing memory during program execution. They are
listed in Table 3.1. These functions help us build complex application
programs that use the available memory intelligently.
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Function Tasks
malloc Allocates requested size of bytes and returns a pointer to the
first byte of the allocated space
calloc Allocates space for an array of elements, initializes them to
zero and then returns a pointer to the memory
free Frees previously allocated space
realloc Modifies the size of previously allocated space
Table 3.1
Figure 3.1 shows the conceptual view of storage of a C program in memory.
Local variables
Free memory
Global variables
C program instructions
Figure 3.1
The program instructions and global and static variables are stored in a
region known as permanent storage area and the local variables are stored
in another area called stack. The memory space that is located between
these two regions is available for dynamic allocation during execution of the
program. This free memory region is called heap. The size of the heap
keeps changing when program is executed due to creation and death of
variables that are local to functions and blocks. Therefore, it is possible to
encounter memory “overflow” during dynamic allocation process.
3.1.1 Allocating Memory with malloc
A problem with many simple programs, including in particular little teaching
programs such as we've been writing so far, is that they tend to use fixedsize
arrays which may or may not be big enough. We have an array of 100
ints for the numbers which the user enters and wishes to find the average of
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them, what if the user enters 101 numbers? We have an array of 100 chars
which we pass to getline to receive the user's input, what if the user types a
line of 200 characters? If we're lucky, the relevant parts of the program
check how much of an array they've used, and print an error message or
otherwise gracefully abort before overflowing the array. If we're not so lucky,
a program may sail off the end of an array, overwriting other data and
behaving quite badly. In either case, the user doesn't get his job done. How
can we avoid the restrictions of fixedsize
The answers all involve the standard library function malloc. Very simply,
malloc returns a pointer to n bytes of memory which we can do anything we
want to with. If we didn't want to read a line of input into a fixedsize
we could use malloc, instead. It takes the following form:
where ptr is a pointer of type casttype.
The malloc returns a pointer(of casttype)
to an area of memory with size bytesize.
Here is an example
#include <stdlib.h>
char *line;
int linelen = 100;
line = (char *)malloc(linelen);
/* incomplete malloc's
return value not checked */
getline(line, linelen);
malloc is declared in <stdlib.h>, so we #include that header in any program
that calls malloc. A ``byte'' in C is, by definition, an amount of storage
suitable for storing one character, so the above invocation of malloc gives
us exactly as many chars as we ask for. We could illustrate the resulting
pointer like this:
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The 100 bytes of memory (not all of which are shown) pointed to by line are
those allocated by malloc. (They are brandnew
memory, conceptually a bit
different from the memory which the compiler arranges to have allocated
automatically for our conventional variables. The 100 boxes in the figure
don't have a name next to them, because they're not storage for a variable
we've declared.)
As a second example, we might have occasion to allocate a piece of
memory, and to copy a string into it with strcpy:
char *p = (char *)malloc(15);
/* incomplete malloc's
return value not checked */
strcpy(p, "Hello, world!");
When copying strings, remember that all strings have a terminating \0
character. If you use strlen to count the characters in a string for you, that
count will not include the trailing \0, so you must add one before calling
char *somestring, *copy;
copy = (char *)malloc(strlen(somestring) + 1); /* +1 for \0 */
/* incomplete malloc's
return value not checked */
strcpy(copy, somestring);
What if we're not allocating characters, but integers? If we want to allocate
100 ints, how many bytes is that? If we know how big ints are on our
machine (i.e. depending on whether we're using a 16or
machine) we
could try to compute it ourselves, but it's much safer and more portable to let
C compute it for us. C has a sizeof operator, which computes the size, in
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bytes, of a variable or type. It's just what we need when calling malloc. To
allocate space for 100 ints, we could call
int *ip =(int *)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
The use of the sizeof operator tends to look like a function call, but it's really
an operator, and it does its work at compile time.
Since we can use array indexing syntax on pointers, we can treat a pointer
variable after a call to malloc almost exactly as if it were an array. In
particular, after the above call to malloc initializes ip to point at storage for
100 ints, we can access ip[0], ip[1], ... up to ip[99]. This way, we can get the
effect of an array even if we don't know until run time how big the ``array''
should be. (In a later section we'll see how we might deal with the case
where we're not even sure at the point we begin using it how big an ``array''
will eventually have to be.)
Our examples so far have all had a significant omission: they have not
checked malloc's return value. Obviously, no real computer has an infinite
amount of memory available, so there is no guarantee that malloc will be
able to give us as much memory as we ask for. If we call
malloc(100000000), or if we call malloc(10) 10,000,000 times, we're
probably going to run out of memory.
When malloc is unable to allocate the requested memory, it returns a null
pointer. A null pointer, remember, points definitively nowhere. It's a ``not a
pointer'' marker; it's not a pointer you can use. Therefore, whenever you call
malloc, it's vital to check the returned pointer before using it! If you call
malloc, and it returns a null pointer, and you go off and use that null pointer
as if it pointed somewhere, your program probably won't last long. Instead, a
program should immediately check for a null pointer, and if it receives one, it
should at the very least print an error message and exit, or perhaps figure
out some way of proceeding without the memory it asked for. But it cannot
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go on to use the null pointer it got back from malloc in any way, because
that null pointer by definition points nowhere. (``It cannot use a null pointer
in any way'' means that the program cannot use the * or [] operators on such
a pointer value, or pass it to any function that expects a valid pointer.)
A call to malloc, with an error check, typically looks something like this:
int *ip = (int *)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
if(ip == NULL)
printf("out of memory\n");
exit or return
After printing the error message, this code should return to its caller, or exit
from the program entirely; it cannot proceed with the code that would have
used ip.
Of course, in our examples so far, we've still limited ourselves to ``fixed
size'' regions of memory, because we've been calling malloc with fixed
arguments like 10 or 100. (Our call to getline is still limited to 100character
lines, or whatever number we set the linelen variable to; our ip variable still
points at only 100 ints.) However, since the sizes are now values which can
in principle be determined at runtime,
we've at least moved beyond having
to recompile the program (with a bigger array) to accommodate longer lines,
and with a little more work, we could arrange that the ``arrays'' automatically
grew to be as large as required. (For example, we could write something like
getline which could read the longest input line actually seen).
3.1.2 Allocating memory with calloc
calloc is another memory allocation function that is normally used for
requesting memory space at run time for storing derived data types such as
arrays and structures. While malloc allocates a single block of storage
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space, calloc allocates multiple blocks of storage, each of the same size,
and then sets all bytes to zero. The general form of calloc is:
*)calloc(n, elemsize)
The above statement allocates contiguous space for n blocks, each of size
bytes. All bytes are initialized to zero and a pointer to the first byte
of the allocated region is returned. If there is not enough space, a NULL
pointer is returned.
Program 3.1 Program to illustrate the use of malloc and calloc
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
int *base;
int i;
int cnt=0;
int sum=0;
printf("how many integers you have to store \n");
base = (int *)malloc(cnt * sizeof(int));
printf("the base of allocation is %16lu \n",base);
printf("unable to allocate size \n");
for(int j=0;j<cnt;j++)
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sum = 0;
for(int j=0;j<cnt;j++)
sum = sum + *(base+j);
printf("total sum is %d\n",sum);
printf("the base of allocation is %16lu \n",base);
base = (int *)malloc(cnt * sizeof(int));
printf("the base of allocation is %16lu \n",base);
base = (int *)malloc(cnt * sizeof(int));
printf("the base of allocation is %16lu \n",base);
base = (int *)calloc(10,2);
printf("the base of allocation is %16lu \n",base);
3.1.3 Freeing Memory
Memory allocated with malloc lasts as long as you want it to. It does not
automatically disappear when a function returns, as automatic variables do,
but it does not have to remain for the entire duration of your program, either.
Just as you can use malloc to control exactly when and how much memory
you allocate, you can also control exactly when you deallocate it.
In fact, many programs use memory on a transient basis. They allocate
some memory, use it for a while, but then reach a point where they don't
need that particular piece any more. Because memory is not inexhaustible,
it's a good idea to deallocate (that is, release or free) memory you're no
longer using.
Dynamically allocated memory is deallocated with the free function. If p
contains a pointer previously returned by malloc, you can call
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which will ``give the memory back'' to the stock of memory (sometimes
called the ``arena'' or ``pool'') from which malloc requests are satisfied.
Calling free is sort of the ultimate in recycling: it costs you almost nothing,
and the memory you give back is immediately usable by other parts of your
program. (Theoretically, it may even be usable by other programs.)
(Freeing unused memory is a good idea, but it's not mandatory. When your
program exits, any memory which it has allocated but not freed should be
automatically released. If your computer were to somehow ``lose'' memory
just because your program forgot to free it, that would indicate a problem or
deficiency in your operating system.)
Naturally, once you've freed some memory you must remember not to use it
any more. After calling
it is probably the case that p still points at the same memory. However,
since we've given it back, it's now ``available,'' and a later call to malloc
might give that memory to some other part of your program. If the variable p
is a global variable or will otherwise stick around for a while, one good way
to record the fact that it's not to be used any more would be to set it to a null
p = NULL;
Now we don't even have the pointer to the freed memory any more, and (as
long as we check to see that p is nonNULL
before using it), we won't
misuse any memory via the pointer p.
When thinking about malloc, free, and dynamicallyallocated
memory in
general, remember again the distinction between a pointer and what it
points to. If you call malloc to allocate some memory, and store the pointer
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which malloc gives you in a local pointer variable, what happens when the
function containing the local pointer variable returns? If the local pointer
variable has automatic duration (which is the default, unless the variable is
declared static), it will disappear when the function returns. But for the
pointer variable to disappear says nothing about the memory pointed to!
That memory still exists and, as far as malloc and free are concerned, is still
allocated. The only thing that has disappeared is the pointer variable you
had which pointed at the allocated memory. (Furthermore, if it contained the
only copy of the pointer you had, once it disappears, you'll have no way of
freeing the memory, and no way of using it, either. Using memory and
freeing memory both require that you have at least one pointer to the
3.1.4 Reallocating Memory Blocks
Sometimes you're not sure at first how much memory you'll need. For
example, if you need to store a series of items you read from the user, and if
the only way to know how many there are is to read them until the user
types some ``end'' signal, you'll have no way of knowing, as you begin
reading and storing the first few, how many you'll have seen by the time you
do see that ``end'' marker. You might want to allocate room for, say, 100
items, and if the user enters a 101st item before entering the ``end'' marker,
you might wish for a way to say ``uh, malloc, remember those 100 items I
asked for? Could I change my mind and have 200 instead?''
In fact, you can do exactly this, with the realloc function. You hand realloc
an old pointer (such as you received from an initial call to malloc) and a new
size, and realloc does what it can to give you a chunk of memory big
enough to hold the new size. For example, if we wanted the ip variable from
an earlier example to point at 200 ints instead of 100, we could try calling
ip = realloc(ip, 200 * sizeof(int));
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Since you always want each block of dynamicallyallocated
memory to be
contiguous (so that you can treat it as if it were an array), you and realloc
have to worry about the case where realloc can't make the old block of
memory bigger ``in place,'' but rather has to relocate it elsewhere in order to
find enough contiguous space for the new requested size. realloc does this
by returning a new pointer. If realloc was able to make the old block of
memory bigger, it returns the same pointer. If realloc has to go elsewhere to
get enough contiguous memory, it returns a pointer to the new memory,
after copying your old data there. (In this case, after it makes the copy, it
frees the old block.) Finally, if realloc can't find enough memory to satisfy the
new request at all, it returns a null pointer. Therefore, you usually don't want
to overwrite your old pointer with realloc's return value until you've tested it
to make sure it's not a null pointer. You might use code like this:
int *newp;
newp = realloc(ip, 200 * sizeof(int));
if(newp != NULL)
ip = newp;
else {
printf("out of memory\n");
/* exit or return */
/* but ip still points at 100 ints */
If realloc returns something other than a null pointer, it succeeded, and we
set ip to what it returned. (We've either set ip to what it used to be or to a
new pointer, but in either case, it points to where our data is now.) If realloc
returns a null pointer, however, we hang on to our old pointer in ip which still
points at our original 100 values.
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Putting this all together, here is a piece of code which reads lines of text
from the user, treats each line as an integer by calling atoi, and stores each
integer in a dynamicallyallocated
#define MAXLINE 100
char line[MAXLINE];
int *ip;
int nalloc, nitems;
nalloc = 100;
ip = (int *)malloc(nalloc * sizeof(int)); /* initial allocation */
if(ip == NULL)
printf("out of memory\n");
nitems = 0;
while(getline(line, MAXLINE) != EOF)
if(nitems >= nalloc)
{ /* increase allocation */
int *newp;
nalloc += 100;
newp = realloc(ip, nalloc * sizeof(int));
if(newp == NULL)
printf("out of memory\n");
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ip = newp;
ip[nitems++] = atoi(line);
We use two different variables to keep track of the ``array'' pointed to by ip.
nalloc is how many elements we've allocated, and nitems is how many of
them are in use. Whenever we're about to store another item in the ``array,''
if nitems >= nalloc, the old ``array'' is full, and it's time to call realloc to make
it bigger.
Finally, we might ask what the return type of malloc and realloc is, if they are
able to return pointers to char or pointers to int or (though we haven't seen it
yet) pointers to any other type. The answer is that both of these functions
are declared (in <stdlib.h>) as returning a type we haven't seen, void * (that
is, pointer to void). We haven't really seen type void, either, but what's going
on here is that void * is specially defined as a ``generic'' pointer type, which
may be used (strictly speaking, assigned to or from) any pointer type.
Self Assessment Questions
i. What is dynamic memory allocation?
ii. State true or false.
malloc() function returns a pointer to integer
iii. For deallocating memory, you can use _________ function
3.2 Pointer Safety
The hard thing about pointers is not so much manipulating them as ensuring
that the memory they point to is valid. When a pointer doesn't point where
you think it does, if you inadvertently access or modify the memory it points
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to, you can damage other parts of your program, or (in some cases) other
programs or the operating system itself!
When we use pointers to simple variables, there's not much that can go
wrong. When we use pointers into arrays, and begin moving the pointers
around, we have to be more careful, to ensure that the moving pointers
always stay within the bounds of the array(s). When we begin passing
pointers to functions, and especially when we begin returning them from
functions, we have to be more careful still, because the code using the
pointer may be far removed from the code which owns or allocated the
One particular problem concerns functions that return pointers. Where is the
memory to which the returned pointer points? Is it still around by the time
the function returns? The strstr function(used in Unit 1), returns either a null
pointer (which points definitively nowhere, and which the caller presumably
checks for) or it returns a pointer which points into the input string, which the
caller supplied, which is pretty safe. One thing a function must not do,
however, is return a pointer to one of its own, local, automatic arrays.
Remember that automatic variables (which includes all nonstatic
variables), including automatic arrays, are deallocated and disappear when
the function returns. If a function returns a pointer to a local array, that
pointer will be invalid by the time the caller tries to use it.
Finally, when we're doing dynamic memory allocation with malloc, calloc,
realloc, and free, we have to be most careful of all. Dynamic allocation gives
us a lot more flexibility in how our programs use memory, although with that
flexibility comes the responsibility that we manage dynamically allocated
memory carefully. The possibilities for misdirected pointers and associated
havoc are greatest in programs that make heavy use of dynamic memory
allocation. You can reduce these possibilities by designing your program in
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such a way that it's easy to ensure that pointers are used correctly and that
memory is always allocated and deallocated correctly. (If, on the other hand,
your program is designed in such a way that meeting these guarantees is a
tedious nuisance, sooner or later you'll forget or neglect to, and
maintenance will be a nightmare.)
3.3 The Concept of Linked List
When dealing with many problems we need a dynamic list, dynamic in the
sense that the size requirement need not be known at compile time. Thus,
the list may grow or shrink during runtime. A linked list is a data structure
that is used to model such a dynamic list of data items, so the study of the
linked lists as one of the data structures is important.
An array is represented in memory using sequential mapping, which has the
property that elements are fixed distance apart. But this has the following
disadvantage: It makes insertion or deletion at any arbitrary position in an
array a costly operation, because this involves the movement of some of the
existing elements.
When we want to represent several lists by using arrays of varying size,
either we have to represent each list using a separate array of maximum
size or we have to represent each of the lists using one single array. The
first one will lead to wastage of storage, and the second will involve a lot of
data movement.
So we have to use an alternative representation to overcome these
disadvantages. One alternative is a linked representation. In a linked
representation, it is not necessary that the elements be at a fixed distance
apart. Instead, we can place elements anywhere in memory, but to make it a
part of the same list, an element is required to be linked with a previous
element of the list. This can be done by storing the address of the next
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element in the previous element itself. This requires that every element be
capable of holding the data as well as the address of the next element. Thus
every element must be a structure with a minimum of two fields, one for
holding the data value, which we call a data field, and the other for holding
the address of the next element, which we call link field.
Therefore, a linked list is a list of elements in which the elements of the list
can be placed anywhere in memory, and these elements are linked with
each other using an explicit link field, that is, by storing the address of the
next element in the link field of the previous element.
Program 3.2 Here is a program for building and printing the elements
of the linked list
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *link;

struct node *insert(struct node *p, int n)
struct node *temp;
/* if the existing list is empty then insert a new node as the
starting node */
p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /* creates new node
data value passes as parameter */
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data = n;
link = p; /* makes the pointer pointing to itself because it
is a circular list*/
temp = p;
/* traverses the existing list to get the pointer to the last node of
it */
while (temp>
link != p)
temp = temp>
link = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); /*
creates new node using data value passes as parameter and puts its
address in the link field of last node of the existing list*/
if(temp >
link == NULL)
temp = temp>
data = n;
link = p;
return (p);
void printlist ( struct node *p )
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struct node *temp;
temp = p;
printf("The data values in the list are\n");
if(p!= NULL)
} while (temp!= p);
printf("The list is empty\n");
void main()
int n;
int x;
struct node *start = NULL ;
printf("Enter the nodes to be created \n");
while ( n >
0 )
printf( "Enter the data values to be placed in a node\n");
start = insert ( start, x );
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printf("The created list is\n");
printlist ( start );
3.3.1 Inserting a node by using Recursive Programs
A linked list is a recursive data structure. A recursive data structure is a data
structure that has the same form regardless of the size of the data. You can
easily write recursive programs for such data structures.
Program 3.3
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *link;

struct node *insert(struct node *p, int n)
struct node *temp;
p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
data = n;
link = NULL;
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link = insert(p>
link,n);/* the while loop replaced by
recursive call */
return (p);
void printlist ( struct node *p )
printf("The data values in the list are\n");
while (p!= NULL)
p = p>
void main()
int n;
int x;
struct node *start = NULL ;
printf("Enter the nodes to be created \n");
while ( n0
printf( "Enter the data values to be placed in a node\n");
start = insert ( start, x );
printf("The created list is\n");
printlist ( start );
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3.3.2 Sorting and Reversing a Linked List
To sort a linked list, first we traverse the list searching for the node with a
minimum data value. Then we remove that node and append it to another
list which is initially empty. We repeat this process with the remaining list
until the list becomes empty, and at the end, we return a pointer to the
beginning of the list to which all the nodes are moved.
To reverse a list, we maintain a pointer each to the previous and the next
node, then we make the link field of the current node point to the previous,
make the previous equal to the current, and the current equal to the next
Therefore, the code needed to reverse the list is
Prev = NULL;
While (curr != NULL)
Next = curr>
Curr >
link = prev;
Prev = curr;
Curr = next;
Program 3.4
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int data;
struct node *link;

struct node *insert(struct node *p, int n)
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struct node *temp;
p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
data = n;
link = NULL;
temp = p;
while (temp>
link!= NULL)
temp = temp>
link = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(temp >
link == NULL)
temp = temp>
data = n;
link = null;
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void printlist ( struct node *p )
printf("The data values in the list are\n");
while (p!= NULL)
p = p>
/* a function to sort reverse list */
struct node *reverse(struct node *p)
struct node *prev, *curr;
prev = NULL;
curr = p;
while (curr != NULL)
p = p>
link = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = p;
/* a function to sort a list */
struct node *sortlist(struct node *p)
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struct node *temp1,*temp2,*min,*prev,*q;
q = NULL;
while(p != NULL)
prev = NULL;
min = temp1 = p;
temp2 = p >
while ( temp2 != NULL )
if(min >
data > temp2 >
min = temp2;
prev = temp1;
temp1 = temp2;
temp2 = temp2>
if(prev == NULL)
p = min >
prev >
link = min >
min >
link = NULL;
if( q == NULL)
q = min; /* moves the node with lowest data value in the list
pointed to by p to the list pointed to by q as a first node*/
temp1 = q;
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/* traverses the list pointed to by q to get pointer to its
last node */
while( temp1 >
link != NULL)
temp1 = temp1 >
temp1 >
link = min; /* moves the node with lowest data value in the
list pointed to by p to the list pointed to by q at the end of list pointed by q*/
return (q);
void main()
int n;
int x;
struct node *start = NULL ;
printf("Enter the nodes to be created \n");
while ( n>
0 )
printf( "Enter the data values to be placed in a
start = insert ( start,x);
printf("The created list is\n");
printlist ( start );
start = sortlist(start);
printf("The sorted list is\n");
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printlist ( start );
start = reverse(start);
printf("The reversed list is\n");
printlist ( start );
3.3.3 Deleting the Specified Node in a Singly Linked List
To delete a node, first we determine the node number to be deleted (this is
based on the assumption that the nodes of the list are numbered serially
from 1 to n). The list is then traversed to get a pointer to the node whose
number is given, as well as a pointer to a node that appears before the node
to be deleted. Then the link field of the node that appears before the node to
be deleted is made to point to the node that appears after the node to be
deleted, and the node to be deleted is freed.
Program 3.5
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
struct node *delet ( struct node *, int );
int length ( struct node * );
struct node
int data;
struct node *link;

struct node *insert(struct node *p, int n)
struct node *temp;
p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
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data = n;
link = NULL;
temp = p;
while (temp>
link != NULL)
temp = temp>
link = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(temp >
link == NULL)
temp = temp>
data = n;
link = NULL;
return (p);
void printlist ( struct node *p )
printf("The data values in the list are\n");
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while (p!= NULL)
p = p>
void main()
int n;
int x;
struct node *start = NULL;
printf("Enter the nodes to be created \n");
while ( n>
0 )
printf( "Enter the data values to be placed in a node\n");
start = insert ( start, x );
printf(" The list before deletion id\n");
printlist ( start );
printf("% \n Enter the node no \n");
scanf ( " %d",&n);
start = delet (start , n );
printf(" The list after deletion is\n");
printlist ( start );
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/* a function to delete the specified node*/
struct node *delet ( struct node *p, int node_no )
struct node *prev, *curr ;
int i;
if (p == NULL )
printf("There is no node to be deleted \n");
if ( node_no > length (p))
prev = NULL;
curr = p;
i = 1 ;
while ( i < node_no )
prev = curr;
curr = curr>
i = i+1;
if ( prev == NULL )
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p = curr >
free ( curr );
prev >
link = curr >
link ;
free ( curr );
/* a function to compute the length of a linked list */
int length ( struct node *p )
int count = 0 ;
while ( p != NULL )
p = p>
return ( count ) ;
Self Assessment Questions
i. What is a linked list?
ii. Write a structure to define a node in the linked list.
iii. State true or false
Linked list make use of dynamic memory allocation technique.
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3.4 Summary
The process of allocating memory at run time is known as Dynamic Memory
Allocation. The allocation of memory is done using three functions: malloc,
calloc, and realloc. These functions return the pointers to void, so it can be
typecast to any data type, thus making the functions generic. The memory
space that is used for dynamic allocation during execution of the program is
called heap. When a pointer doesn't point where you think it does, if you
inadvertently access or modify the memory it points to, you can damage
other parts of your program. So safety of pointers is essential in dynamic
memory allocation. Linked list is one of the applications of dynamic memory
3.5 Terminal questions
1. Assuming that there is a structure definition with structure tag student,
write the malloc function to allocate space for the structure.
2. What function is used to alter the size of a block which is previously
3. Write a structure definition to represent a node in the linked list with two
data fields of type integer.
4. If ptr points to a node and link is the address field of the node, how can
you move from the node to the next node?
5. State true or false.
Linked list can be used to implement stacks and queues.
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3.6 Answers to Self Assessment Questions
3.1 i. The process of allocating memory at run time is known as Dynamic
Memory Allocation.
ii. False
iii. free()
3.3 i. A linked list is a data structure that is used to model a dynamic list
of data items. It is a collection of nodes.
ii. struct node
int data;
struct node * link;

iii. True
3.7Answers to terminal questions
1. ptr=(struct student *) malloc(sizeof(struct student));
2. realloc()
3. struct node
int data1;
int data2;
struct node *link;

4. ptr=ptr>
5. True
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3.8 Exercises
1. Write a menu driven program to create a linked list of a class of students
and perform the following operations.
i. Write out the contents of a list
ii. Edit the details of a specified student
iii. Count the number of students above a specified age and weight
2. Write a program to insert a node after the specified node in a linked list.
3. Write a program to count the number of nodes in linked list.
4. Write a program to merge two sorted lists.
5. Explain briefly how to represent polynomials using linked lists. Write a
program to add two polynomials.

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